To keep injuries to a minimum, there are a
few rules to keep in mind, especially if you are more vulnerable eg a builder,
electrician, plumber or gardener for instance.
The best rule is to think about your FEET.
F- Fit –are you fit to do the job or is someone else better suited?
Does it need to be done at all? Or is there a tool you can use to make things
E- Environment – Are you in an awkward
space? Can anything be moved to make your job easier? Are there dangers which
need to be considered first?
E- Effort – Consider what you are moving, carrying or working with and
the strain on your body in a particular position. Can it be made easier?
T – Time – Are you in a hurry? Rushing a job puts pressure on us
making muscles work harder than they need to and we tend to take risks when we
are short of time.Spreading the load by taking breaks gives muscles time to
recover and reduces injuries.
And if you are moving things – think FEET
again – they need to be pointing in the direction you are going, to avoid
twisting which is one of the high risk factors for back and rib injuries – but
don’t look at them –look where you are going too!